Hello Everyone!!!!!!
Okay last weeks email was terrible! I apologize! This week i'll make up for
it....starting off with the Scooter Accident Story Ipromised you all!
Okay so we were riding home the night of March 28th and it was POURING
RAIN! when we came around a curve in the road, we saw a scooter crash! This 80
yr old man had slid out, and was laying on the road as if he was dead...his
scooter was laying on it's side like 20 ft away. and he was not moving! There
was a car parked a ways behind him with a man yelling and waving his arms,
telling the traffic to go into the other lane, but he was not being super
helpful or effective. There was also a woman standing there over the man holding
an umbrella, but not doing anything as well. We think they probably called 911
or someone did because NO ONE WAS DOING ANYTHING! Sister Smart and I pulled over
to the side and parked our bike on the sidewalk. Then I told her to keep her
helmet on...just in case...and we went to go see if there was anything we could
do to help. We couldn't really do anything to physicall y help him though,
because we didnt want to get in trouble with the Taiwanese government, and since
we're foreigners and there weren't many people around we could be accused blah
blah blah....anywho....I knew enough to tell him what position and such would be
the best physically and in case he threw up...I also told them NOT to take off
his helmet in case his neck and back were jacked up. He had a few broken bones
for sure and was in Sooooo much pain. We were really glad when we walked over
and he was moving...groaning...and such because we knew that at least he was
still alive. I was EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED because I knew how to help him, but I
couldn't. AHHHHHH! The ambulance FINALLY showed up and the emts walked super
slowly to him and then TOOK OFF HIS HELMET BEFORE THEY STABILIZED HIM! Seriously
!?!? they just walked over and popped his helmet off. I felt so bad for his
wife! He had a wedding ring on...and I knew that some poor grandma was at home
waiting for her husband to show up...:( THAT is the story of the Scooter
Okay....now that you're all caught up...
Scripture of the Week:
ALMA 12:29
"Therefore he sent angels to converse with them, who caused men to behold
His glory."
Now this might sound a little prideful, but i believe that in this day, we
the missionaries are those angels who the Lord has sent to his children that
they might behold His glory. We are the ones who are to assist them to help them
come back into his embrace. I love in the scriptures when it says "if i could
but speak with the voice of an angel." Everyday i think this, and then i realize
everyday, that when we testify of Christ and his gospel, the Spirit will also
testify, and to the people we share with...we do have the voice of angels! So
Quote of the Week:
Dieter F. Uchdorf:
"Many of the deepest regrets of tomorrow can be prevented by following the
Saviour today." I LOVE THIS! It's sooo true! We do these little things daily
that we look back on and think...."Dang it! I should not have done that!" But if
we had been following the Saviour and His teachings, we could have made better
choices in the first place, and not had so many regrets in the end. At the same
time though, we must not look back on our lives with regret. I know that i have
made many mistakes in my life, but i sincerely do not regret any of them.
Because...i was able to learn from them. and now i know that i will not make
those same mistakes again....I'll just make new ones! :) and i'll learn from
them as well! I'll just keep messing up, learning from it, repenting and
adjusting my actions, and because of the amazing sacrifice of our older brother
Jesus Christ, we'll be able to keep going and learning as we go :) Wow i just
read that and it sound super rambly...but it's true! :)
SOOOO this week was super exciting! We started off with an amazing DTM
where we discussed how to be both effecient and effective. I really enjoyed it
and the practice role plays. One of the practice I did with one of the APs (They
both came to our DTM because they were doing Assistant Exchanges with some of
our elders) and he asked how long I'd been in Taiwan. I told him about 2 1/2
months and he was like "Really?! You're tones were are perfect!" I was sooo
amazed because tones in my Chinese are something I really struggle with, and
so I have been really focusing on them in my studies. My companion has also
helped me soooo much! Apparently it's working! :)
We were also able to contact over 400 people while English Proselyting! So
amazing when you can just smile at people, tell them about English Class and
Church, and they are soooo happy and willing to listen to you, just because they
think you look happy :) LOVE IT!
On Thursday we were able to go Gravesweeping as a service project! IT WAS
AMAZING!!!! I felt back in my element :) We were able to wear jeans and t-shirts
(with the helping hands vests!) and clean up graves and weed for about 4 hours.
It was sooo blissful! I love being outside working in the dirt! I hadn't
realized just how much i missed it! We were also able to talk with so many
families when they would come up to us and ask why we were interested in helping
and serving. I was able to share about families and the church with incredible
people all while weeding! IT WAS GREATTTTT! :)
OKay.....Absolute highlight of the week....WE HAD A
BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOT WOOOOOOTTTT!!!!!!!!!! I was sooooooo happy! I
still am sooo happy :) His name is Huang Dixiong and he is an awesome guy! He is
22 yrs old, and he just moved to Fengyuan with his new wife (Wang Jiemei) about
a month an a half ago. They came and self contacted me and Sister Smart while we
were English Proselyting and we were able to invite them to Church that Sunday!
We also started meeting with them, because his wife it turns out is a LA from a
different area. They haven't missed a single Sunday of church since they started
coming! The Elders took over meeting with him and teaching him the lessons after
he expressed interest after meeting with us sisters and going to church, and now
last Saturday night April 6 2013 he was baptized!!! We are sooo beyond excited
for him! Yesterday at church, he was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, and wore his new church clothes for the first time.
Super Shuai!
Cute side note....on Friday morning, Wang Jiemei, his wife, called us and
and asked if I would help her do her makeup for the baptism. She had never worn
makeup before and she said that she sees my makeup and thinks that it looks so
beautiful and that she wanted to know if i could teach her. It was the cutest
thing ever!! Especially since she wanted to look pretty for him and his baptism
:D!!!!! AWWWWWW! Love!
***We live in a 4-man apartment with the Tanzi sisters. Sister Newman
(tanzi sister) boiled her eggs for over an hour on accident, so the place
smelled terrible and THEY EXPLODED!!!!! hahahahahahhahahahah soooo funny!!!!
Then she felt bad and bought us Almond Snickers bars to apologize....when there
was nothing to apologize for! She took cute!
***Saturday, we were at the chapel waiting for a friend to come when this
crazy woman with schizophrenia walks in. She starts telling us that she's
actually french on the inside and then starts writing nonsensical english
letters on the board. Then she started singing and pulling sheets out of her
backpack, and started tying them around her like dresses. Eventually she started
yelling and freaking out. Sister Smart didn't know what to do so Ishe did the
first thing that popped into her head! She started singing a hymn. Hahaha don't
laugh! I know its cheesy, but it worked. She stopped, listened, attempted to
sing with us, and then said she needed to go and walked home. It was really
random and funny!!!
*** We have another woman whom we visit who ALSO has schizophreniz....she's
the one who thinks a wire is attacking her constantly....she asked us to please
help her make foreign friends and learn how to talk with foreigners. She thinks
that Taiwanese men are all horrible so she thinks that maybe she can get a
foreign boyfriend that, even if he lives somewhere else, he can probably protect
her and keep her safe. She also speaks excellent english! She's so sweet, but i
don't know if we'll be able to find her a boyfriend......
***We had an LA pray with us at the end of a lesson, she started to pray to
Heavenly Father, then to His son, then his other son, and then to His father and
a few other people! Then she prayed that we could know that she is our best
friend ever, and that if we ever need anything, like help getting married, she
is ALWAYS there for us! And then she prayed that when we go home, we can get
married really quickly and be happy. Then she kept going for a while then all of
a sudden just says AMEN! and stands up and opens the door for us to
leave...Super funny!!!! It's a really good thing we have sooo many people
praying that we can get married!!!
Well my time is up, but i love you all and hope that conference was
AMAZING! We get to watch it next week and i'm super excited :) Thank you for all
you do and have a wonderful, love filled week!!!! The work is good, the gospel
is true, and we can always trust in the Lord to guide us! LOVE AND HUGS!
Love, Bao Jiemei
Easter Egg painting in English class