July 7th email
Hey everyone!!!
Sorry i've been having email issues these past few weeks, so if you didn't get last weeks email, please let my mum know and she'll forward it to you!
Sorry i've been having email issues these past few weeks, so if you didn't get last weeks email, please let my mum know and she'll forward it to you!
President Gordon B. Hinckley, “The happiness of the Latter-day Saints, the peace
of the Latter-day Saints, the progress of the Latter-day Saints, the prosperity
of the Latter-day Saints, and the eternal salvation and exaltation of this
people lie in walking in obedience to the counsels of … God.”
This is sooo true! I know that
everything....especially as missionaries....depends on our obedience. We cannot
see the fruits of our labors, and receive blessings unless we are obedient.
STRICTLY obedient. It is something that I've seen in my mission, and everyday i
receive confirmations of this truth. Our happiness, peace, progress, prosperity,
and eternal salvation all depend on it. I'd say that obedience is probably
pretty dang important. Dui bu dui?! (Isn't it true)
I love this place soooo much! There is so much work
cut out for us....but that's what makes it great! if we could white wash or go
into an area that needs a lot of help...for my whole mission....I would be soooo
happy! There is so much to learn from each place and each companion, and every
place is so different, i get to use all my ideas and think of new one and then
see the fruits of my labor....or at least the seeds! :D The ward here is pretty
good, but the relations with the missionaries are again, not as good as we'd
hoped. I'm excited to try some new ideas going and light the fire of the
Xiaogang ward! My comp Sister Haupt is super excited as well, and we've already
seen so many miracles together because of our obedience and hard work :D the
Lord is really watching out for us! We are meeting with the bishop tonight to
discuss the area and get to know him and his family because we don't really know
him! I'm super excited and only pray that we can bike down and find his house in
a timely manner :)
***WE FOUND A NEW INVESTIGATOR! Her name is Lin Jiemei
and she's 18 yrs old. We found her when we were doing an LA look up at her
neighbors house, ran into her and she invited us in. Then we shang'd ke with her
and taught her a whole first. I was able to bear testimony of many different
aspects of the gospel, and we all felt the spirit. She told us she believes
everything we've been telling her, including that Joseph Smith has seen God and
Jesus. She is so prepared and I've never met anyone or taught anyone like her!
She came to church yesterday and LOVED IT! she's even coming to english on
Wednesday and bringing her little brothers. The only thing that might hold her
back is if her parents say no.....they are very opposed to Christianity, but if
she continues faithful, and we are obedience, i know the lord will bless
***69 cats seen!!!!
***Exchanges with the STLs....who also are our
roommates! Wow I learned so much! I actually feel inadequate and like I've been
slacking off as a missionary after being with Sis Taylor for 24 hours..;.....she
contacts everything under the sun! people, pets, cars, bikes, scooters, houses,
trees.....holy cow she's soooo renzhen! super intense.....I feel like I really
need to nuli (work harder) and get going in my missionary
***Interviews with President Blickenstaff this week!
Super excited to meet him and his wifey!
OTHERS! love you allllllll!!!!!! Hope On. Journey On. and Don't EVER stop
Believing!!!! :D
LOVE Bao Jiemei!
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