Sorry I have exactly 15 minutes to type this....I'm super bad at managing
my email time I've you've emailed me lately and I haven't
responded....I'M SOOO SORRRRY!
Hey mom, I've been doing a lot of experimenting with diet and stuff. I eat
things everyday (like veggies) that I never would have eaten before. Don't
worry....we'll actually be able to eat salad and healthy food when we go out
now! I eat that stuff now.....the horror!!! *gasp!* haha just kidding :) really
I''ve been trying to figure this out on my own for about 3 months now.
If life was like Pokemon, Humility would ALWAYS beat out Pride. - Sister
Wow.....everyday, every week i get humbled more and more. No one can
control their situation and circumstances, but you can control how you react.
I've had a few struggles with my new companionship, but it's okay now. Because
the Lord has got my back like always and I pray a lot. like all day everyday.
Because I really need his help if I am to survive, if I am to do his work with
success. You cannot do the Lord's work without the Spirit. And you cannot have
the spirit if you are prideful. Jiuduile!(truly) Good
thing my parents taught me the beautiful art of always saying sorry....even if
you don't know what it is you've done or what you are sorry for....always be the
first person to apologize! Always be the first person to say sorry! That is
what I learned this week. (that it is more important to say
sorry or apologize so that the spirit can be present than to be right.)
Well this week has been super interesting. Relations with the ward are
great, and it's all been working out amazing. I love this area so much and the
ward so much! Oh also....I'M TRAINING!!! yeah! also.....i'm really really bad at
it apparently! I didn't even know how bad i was at it until i was informed by my
trainee. yeah.....But it's okay. we're working through it!
Also Sister Haupt has obviously moved.....bummer! Because I love her so
much! We had some really good times together. My transfer with her is exactly
how I imagined a transfer was supposed to go. Obedience, Love, Patience, Hard
work, Success, Fruits of your Labors...and all that. A mission never goes how
you think it will, but it's usually pretty magical. Things are never more up and
more down that on a mission! but you also never feel the Spirit and the Lord's
support so strongly! It's amazing! I'm so grateful for all the experiences I've
had thus far and for many more to come!
So surprise movecall announcement! Elder Gish is STILL here in Xiaogang!
He's officially the King of Xiaogang and by the end of this movecall...he will
have been in his first area for 7 1/2 months! SOOOO LONG!!! Also he's going
District Leader and Senior Comp this movecall! Soooo GOOOD! He was my DL in the
MTC and I know he'll do just as amazing out in the field. Also my favorite ZL
I've ever had is going home today! He's finished up his mission and is headed
back home to Alpine, UT. His name is Jeff Stark and apparently we went to Lone
Peak together....but never knew each other! huh! So our new Zone leader is going
to be Elder Hellburg. He's soooo freaking tight! I served with him when I was up
in Beitun. He's gonna be amazing....probably will be my 2nd favorite ZL ever!!!
This will be the best district ever!!!
***People here in Taiwan will be like...."I'm going to go take the dogs for
a run!" (there are a gazillion stray and not stray dogs here) and then they'll
go get on their little motorized scooters (mopeds) and ride around while the
dogs run around....hmmmmm good exercise!
***I accidentally punched my ward mission leader in the ward
correlation....while he was discussing with the elders their investigators! He
had a whole swarm of mosquitoes above his head, so I went to swat them
away....really miss-aimed and maybe had some depth perception issues....and
instead punched him in the head! his response: "Ni da wo!"(You hit me) hahahahaha he started laughing....I started
awkward laughing and apologizing! hahaha he's 26 and just got home from his
mission last december from Taibei. He's super cool! and knows how to take a
punch! ahahahaha
***I got hit by a BUS! it
was speeding by tire hit a pothole and I got caught into the slipstream
of the bus....iIstarted to almost go under and I did the only thing I could
think of....I stiff-armed the bus (must be rugby reflexes) and pushed myself off
and was fine! but it was all so quick that I didn't even have time for an
adrenalin rush! Scary! hahah when I told Elder Gish he asked me if I broke the
bus.....hahahhahaha such a good rep I got!
Well I
have no time, but I love you all! I hope you all have splendid weeks and know
that the Lord loves each and every single one of you! He knows exactly who you
are! The church is true. God is our Heavenly Father. Jesus is our Saviour and
elder brother. and through the Atonement, we can overcome ANYTHING! Be worthy of
the Spirit and strive to be humble! Hope on. Journey on. BElieve on. I LOVE YOU
Bao Jiemei!!! <3
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